Read JSON file
The example used here is from
lets use a simple JSON file
{ "fruit": "Apple", "size": "Large", "color": "Red" }
In R data is normally handled using data frames.
So lets convert the JSON to data frame.
The package used to do that is ‘jsonlite’.
The code
# point the location of the file
json_file1 <-"C:\\data\\rblog\\example_1.json"
# read the file using fronJSON function
json_data1 <- fromJSON(json_file, flatten = FALSE )
# convert to data frame
json_data_frame1 <- data.frame(json_data)
More complicated JSON files cannot be handled in the same method.
Lets look at the second example.
json_file2 <-"C:\\data\\rblog\\example_2.json" json_data2 <- fromJSON(json_file2, flatten = FALSE)
Up to this point no issue, but when try to convert to dataframe, the following error occurs.
Error in (function (..., row.names = NULL, check.rows = FALSE, check.names = TRUE, : arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0, 801, 684, 60
The reason is very clear, the data contains the lists of different length and dataframe.
But it is possible to create separate dataframes.
For example,
json_data_frame3 <- data.frame(json_data2$afmlist)
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